Board Portal

NLC Mutual Board members and authorized staff can access current and past meeting materials, bylaws, and other governance documents via the NLC Mutual Board Portal powered by BoardEffect.

NLC Mutual Board Meetings

  • Winter 2024
  • December 12-13, 2024
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Summer 2025
  • July 17-18, 2025
  • Woodstock, Vermont
  • Winter 2025
  • December 11-12, 2025
  • Santa Barbara, California

    2024 Executive Officers

    President & Chief Executive Officer
    Jill L. Eaton, NLC Mutual Insurance Company

    Vice President
    Erin Rian, NLC Mutual Insurance Company

    Katy Gifford, AIG Captive Management Services

    Clarence Anthony, National League of Cities

    2024 Board of Directors

    Board Chair
    Ian C. Ridlon, Rhode Island Interlocal Risk Management Trust

    First Vice Chair
    Mark R. Hayes, Arkansas Municipal League

    Second Vice Chair
    Jeff Thompson, Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool

    Matt Becker, League of Wisconsin Municipalities

    Tom Belshe, League of Arizona Cities and Towns

    Lynn Bren, South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance

    John Brenner, Pennsylvania Municipal League

    J.D. Chaney, Kentucky League of Cities

    Brad Cole, IML Risk Management Association

    Stanley J. Corcoran, Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association

    Joe Damiata, Vermont League of Cities & Towns

    Stan Deese, Georgia Municipal Association

    David Demchak, Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency

    Michael Fann, Public Entity Partners

    Michael J. Forster, Michigan Municipal League

    AJ Forte, New Mexico Municipal League

    Jeannie Garner, Florida League of Cities

    Dan Greensweig, League of Minnesota Cities

    Steven A. Hansen, Utah Local Governments Trust

    Jeff Hovey, Iowa League of Cities

    Theresa Kuhns, Maryland Municipal League

    Bryan Leaird, North Carolina League of Municipalities

    Suzanne Paulson, Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group

    Michelle Pelletier, Maine Municipal Association

    Patrick Priest, Citycounty Insurance Services

    ​L. Lynn Rex, League of Nebraska Municipalities

    ​Heather Ricard, Municipal Association of South Carolina

    Kent Scarrett, Ohio Municipal League

    Kevin R. Smith, Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association

    Tami Tanoue, Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency

    Carol Wilmes, Association of Washington Cities

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